I woke up at 5:30 AM to get ready for the day and have time for breakfast before my roommate and I left to walk to the school we volunteer with three other HORIZONS students. Fast forward eight hours (with some tasty dulce de leche ice cream from Pops in between) and I’m standing in the market of Heredia with all these different sights and smells swarming my senses. You can check out pictures of the market and school below! ¡Pura vida! Is the only way I can describe my time hereand how quickly it seems to be falling through my fingers like the sand of the beautiful Caribbean my roommate took back in an old pop bottle. I can’t even begin to describe to you what all this green does for your soul. On my walk to school with my roommate, there are mountains in front of me, mountains to the left of me, and mountains behind me. No matter how tired I am in the morning, there is an overwhelming feeling that this is my life and I’m so blessed to be here in this country experiencing this beautiful culture. Working in the school here in Santo Domingo is difficult. The culture shock between school systems was a little overwhelming at first. At all times there are running, screaming, jumping children everywhere. However, the love and joy emanating from these children towards us is what makes our visits so worth it. I’ll be taking home with me a pile of notes all saying “I love you!” It isn’t until you see life from a different perspective that you can begin to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. Costa Rica will forever be an eye-opening, life changing experience for me.

El Mercado
My Service Learning Site
A love letter from a student
In Puerto Viejo, I'm sitting with my arms crossed second person top right
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