Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Access and Opportunity

Purdue University’s HORIZONS' San Jose, Costa Rica program is a perfect example of a new program created specifically to expand global educational opportunities for traditionally underrepresented groups.  The mission of the university’s HORIZONS Student Support Program is to retain and graduate its participants at the highest possible rate with the highest possible grade point average. HORIZONS is a federally funded TRiO program under the Office of the Dean of Students and is aimed at supporting low-income, first-generation and/or students with disabilities as they work towards a college degree.While HORIZONS supports and encourages students to study abroad, participation is negatively affected due to cost, a general lack of information, and confidence that they are capable of going abroad. Overall, studying abroad has grown in popularity across campuses nationwide; however, the typical study abroad student has remained the same. The study abroad program in San Jose was designed specifically for Horizons students to gain access to an international experience; something normally out of their reach.  Partially funded by the Purdue Office of the Provost, this program allows for a three-week, three credit service-learning opportunity in Costa Rica. The HORIZONS service learning abroad experience will provide a framework for Purdue in increasing the number of first-generation, low income college students who are more knowledgeable about and are participating in study abroad experiences. In collaboration with Purdue’s Programs for Study Abroad, HORIZONS is leading efforts on Purdue’s campus to strengthen participants’ knowledge about the benefits of study abroad and the opportunities that exist, develop an awareness of study abroad scholarships that can subsidize their experience, and increase confidence in first-generation student that they can study abroad and do so successfully.

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